What makes an animal an emotional support animal?

For an animal to be considered an Emotional Support Animal, it must be certified. Certifications for your pet typically come through a physician, social worker, psychiatrist, or other mental health professional. Your psychiatrist must confirm and provide the support that animals can reduce one or more symptoms of your particular mental disorder. Some common mental disabilities that qualify a person for an ESA is chronic stress, depression, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, and PTSD.

The certification for an emotional support animal can be for any type of animal, though the dog is the most common. However, some other animals include cats, rabbits, birds, or rodents can get a certification as an emotional support animal.

Emotional support is a very important factor why many people want an ESA. Emotional Support Animals act as home healthcare for mentally ill people. While doctors prescribe medications, sometimes they also prescribe an ESA provides the emotional comfort you need. People struggling with mental disorders have found that having an ESA decreases their anxiety and depression issues.

PsychologicalDisability Service Center (PDSC) professionals are certified and experienced and can help you in getting an emotional support animal. Here, the therapist will also guide you in issuing an ESA letter for you.


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