Flying with an Emotional Support Animal | PDSC

Pets are often more helpful than friends to many folks. The furry friends provide emotional support, as well as most people, can hardly be made. Especially for someone undergoing emotional distress, the existence of a pet has important therapeutic value. This is not an opinion based on common sense only, but also something documented by the medical community. Therapists often recommend people suffering alone from stress, anxiety, or depression to keep an emotional support animal. Caring for the abandoned animal eventually brings out the best human abilities of a person, thereby helping him to find the peace love and care can bring.

Travel problems

However, the people at large are still confused about honoring this bond of love between a human and an animal. This indifference is replicated in numerous fields. For example, often a pet owner has to face difficulties in leasing a good apartment because of the no-pets policy endorsed by the owner. Likewise, air travel with pets also become difficult, as airlines tend to consider even the cutest dogs or cats as a nuisance! This is indeed an enormous problem, but there is always a solution. You should definitely consider the advantages of an emotional support letter for flying.

According to the Air Access Carrier Act, the ESA certificate should help as a valid legal document allowing the existence of the pet on the flight.

What is an emotional support animal letter?

The thought of an ESA certificate may be new to many people. Although service dog documentation sounds familiar, not everyone is attentive that ESA certificate is different from service animal papers. The difference essentially is in acknowledging the range of support offered by the pet.

On the other hand, a service animal works on a much-extended range of activities such as police work, guarding, and helping disabled owners. However, a service animal also delivers emotional support so you can get an Emotional Support Animal certificate on that ground. Likewise, an ESA qualified animal can be registered at the National Service Animals Registry without any bothers. Nevertheless, it is vital to understand that only the emotional support letter carries the crucial legal validity to allow the pet on flights and on non-pet premises.

One can easily get the emotional support animal letter for flying via an online service at PDSC. Finally, and most importantly, the licensed doctor would emphasize the therapeutic value of the pet’s presence all time with the owner.


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