Emotional Support Animal: Accurate Guide
An emotional support animal is a dog, or cat, or other pet that supports recover symptoms of an emotional or mental incapacity through friendship and love. Also called support animals, ESAs aid your day-to-day life with structure and care. Appropriate Emotional Support Animals There is no set regulation of what animals can or cannot be measured ESAs; however, many airlines, landlords, and, most outstandingly, licensed mental health specialists will not allow or write an emotional support animal letter for a pet who does not offer you with the appropriate care you need for a mental/emotional situation. The animal must be helpful for your health and not put you or anyone else in harm's way. Generally, most dogs and cats are recognized as appropriate emotional support animals with the exception of a few outside breeds. Be aware though, there are ai rlines that have disqualified specific dog/cat breeds for the safety of other passengers and flight attendants as ...