Steps to Getting an Emotional Support Animal

There have been numerous studies and observations that show the positive effect of emotional support animal. Animals are a blessing, most poets; critics use the condition of dogs and other pets for their unconditional love. There are many mental disorders that need that you have all the emotional support you want to get better and stay healthy. There are numerous cases in which small horses also qualify as emotional support animals. However, in most cases, it is often a dog.

The duties of an ESA need it to be friendly, trainable and psychologically stable. Dogs fit this description effortlessly. Emotional support animal like dogs is trained by service dog organizations or by different dog breeders for this precise purpose.

If you are suffering from a mental disability, it is very imperative to get your condition evaluated by a certified professional such as a psychiatrist, a psychologist or any other mental health specialized. If they think you can get better, or that your symptoms will get better using an emotional support animal, they will write an emotional support animal letter authenticating one. Bear in mind that an emotional support animal dog can only be recommended by a mental health doctor and no other.

The process of getting an ESA dog, however, is extensive and might require going through a few stages. There are rules and laws that surround this. You can either register your dog as an Emotional support animal or get a new one from the therapy pet services.

These are steps that you necessity to go through to get an emotional support animal dog:

  • You need to have an accurate service animal letter from your doctor that you completely need your dogs help getting through the day. Showing that letter will clear a lot of mistakes.
  •   This step is very imperative, as highlighted briefly, it is totally essential to get a doctors letter, with their letterhead at the top. This letter is a legal assertion that you should get an emotional support animal to help you with your daily routine. This is really needed as a professional should advise whether having a dog will improve your state of mind or not.
  • The next step is to get an emotional support animal letter from a company that provides valid service animal letter – PDSC(Psychological Disability Service Center)

If you qualify for an ESA and want to get emotional support animal letter then look no further, PDSC is here for you. Get in touch with us today!


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