How to Certify Your Emotional Support Animal - PDSC

With the stresses of this world, many people find themselves longing the help of a furry friend. But the Emotional Support Dog is so much more than just a pet.
Individuals that undergo from emotional or mental health conditions have found that the existence of a loving, faithful dog is sufficient to help them navigate their way through the struggles of their situation.

One of the great things an emotional support animal is that it can be any canine friend that helps improve your emotional symptoms, giving you the self-confidence and support you need to live a normal and productive life.

In this post, we will take a tour around the world of the ESD, how you can go about getting one and how to “certify” an  Emotional Support animal.

Emotional support dogs can live in “no pets” housing and cannot be discriminated against based on breed, age, or weight.

Disabilities that Qualify for an Emotional Support Dog

People who endure from a variety of illnesses, as well as; mild to severe despair, phobias, PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, and loneliness have all found release with an Emotional Support animal, often without the utilize of strong treatment medication.
Your doctor or mental health professional will use the definition laid out by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to help resolve your condition and if you qualify for an ESA.

Please note that under the ADA, Emotional Support Dogs are not measured Service Dogs and are therefore not given the same full rights and privileges. Although, the Fair Housing Act and ACAA allow you to survive with or fly with your emotional support animal.

How Do I Get an Emotional Support animal?

You can find huge emotional support dogs in shelters and rescues. You can get your ESA letter before or after getting a dog at PDSC.

Since the ESD does not need to be especially experienced to get a task, you can get a canine buddy from a reputable breeder, animal shelter, or a rescue organization.
You will also want a dog that has a calming result on your condition. A canine that is overly yappy or hyper may not be the best choice for you, especially if you have anxiety issues.

How Do I Certify My Emotional Support Dog?
To have a legitimate Support Animal, you must have an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional like Psychological Disability Service Center.

After getting your letter from PDSC, you are not required to register your dog on any website.


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