How Owning a emotional support dog Can Reduce Stress ?

An emotional support dog provides with many health benefits to their owners. Having a support dog can alleviate depression, loneliness, and isolation. Especially for people who’ve lost their spouse, or whose children have moved away, for them a dog can be a great source of friendship and companionship and lots more.

 For these reasons, and for providing them with support, more and more dogs are being utilized for giving support to their seniors. Emotional support animal is used to promote health and healing in seniors of every age or health condition. Whether seniors are depressed or have ongoing disabilities, service or support dogs for seniors may prove right for them.

Studies have shown that just fifteen minutes time sharing with an animal brings hormonal changes within the brain. And the stress level starts dropping as the brain produces serotonin, along with prolactin and oxytocin. And this is the reason why support dogs are good companions of seniors peoples because they give them so many amazing health benefits. There is a specific designation of dogs that may help to provide the care and compassion that seniors crave and need, an emotional support animal.

And as we know dogs are also a source of mental arouse. If you are reading about breeds and taking care of pets, or talking to others about dogs, elderly minds can benefit. And while Interacting with a dog can stimulate the appetite of people who might otherwise not eat regularly as a result of these conditions and can help to cure

Having a support dog in a senior’s life can help them getting improve from a situation, their well-being and give new meaning to their life. Due to the several health benefits these support dogs provide, many living facilities are starting to include these pet therapy in their senior care. Being around a dog makes people feel better, healthier, and happier.


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