Why Emotional Support Animal and ESA Letter?
For centuries, people have trusted on dogs as guides, aides, and helpers to hunt, attentive, attack, and comfort. In more recent history, humans have agreed with dogs a more official part play in the lives of those who require physical and emotional assistance. Today, you’re expected to encounter a service animal or emotional support animal in grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, and even airplanes. But what is an emotional support animal? How do they differ from service dogs? And how do animals obtain such terms? Let’s find out! Register Emotional support dogs are companion animals that offer therapeutic benefits to people with therapeutically diagnosed mental, intellectual, or physical in capacities. In order to obtain an emotional support animal designation, the animal’s owner must fit the medical definition of a disability, receive a diagnosis by a doctor or mental health specialized, and receives an Emotional Support Animal Letter stating the animal provides be...